No Evidence - No Crime? Seed Our Future, By Simpa

Seed Our Future..

Seed Our Future is a rebranding of the Seed The Future “Industrial Hemp” campaign that organised the multi-city protests across the UK in July 2020. There were gatherings in Bristol, Brighton, Exeter, London, Newcastle, Belfast, Edinburgh, and Cardiff. The protests were well attended given the on-going global Covid-19 pandemic but didn’t quite have the desired impact.


In the days that followed conversations were had between various representatives of the UK cannabis community about how best to proceed with the next stage of the campaign. As a result of much discussion and deliberation, a diverse team emerged with a cunning plan to challenge the charges.


Since renaming the campaign has quietly been accumulating historic documents and scientific evidence surrounding the fraudulent origins of the international criminalisation of cannabis. In this document they layout just how we got here in the first place, through successive decades of deceit, willful ignorance, corporate greed, and political pageantry.


The British campaign group is actively investigating the foundational evidence that was used as justification for cannabis being classified as a schedule one substance and a class B controlled drug as per the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (MoDA) and the misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001.


The intention of this report is to provide the truth surrounding the history of cannabis prohibition, the ‘evidence of no evidence’ for the foundations of all cannabis laws, the potential consequences to all those involved in the continuation and enforcement of these laws and the potential consequences for everyone if these laws are allowed to continue”


We are seeing a global shift in attitude towards cannabis as the original rhetoric, based on ideology and racism is superseded by science. In fact, it has become increasingly apparent that not only is cannabis relatively safe, it is essential to our health, our environment and our economy; it has been realised that in our present situation where health deteriorates, the toxic fossil fuel resources to which we are addicted are fast running out, our climate and environment is facing catastrophic emergency and we now face the biggest economic collapse in history; cannabis is not only our savior, it was the prohibition of this plant which led to these atrocities all in the name of profit for shareholders and power for the very few.


We cannot, with any clear conscience, allow these crimes against humanity and the environment to continue and this is why ‘Seed our Future’ have implemented this strategy to compel, not only those with the power to make changes but to also inform the general public of the truth so we may unite as a collective consciousness to ensure our survival. Now is the time for us to stand together and fight this ‘war on cannabis,’ Truth is Our Sword, Unity Our Shield” - Words by Guy Coxall (Seed Our Future founder)



From the International prohibition of cannabis first gaining traction in 1925 after the Egyptian delegate, Mohamed El Guindy who imposed his own bigoted prejudices by proposing the inclusion of Hashish in the revised International Opium Convention relating to Dangerous Drugs to exposing the small cabal of industrialist tycoons, media moguls, and politicians who first conspired to demonise and criminalise cannabis nearly a century ago. Seed Our Future, in its roughly 18,000-word document provides one of the most concise narratives on the greedy, racist, and classist ideology that pervaded and perpetuates one of the most expensive, longest-lasting, and most socially and individually destructive conflicts in modern human history – the war on drugs.


The main argument raised in this report is the fact that there has never been any scientific foundational evidence for the international scheduling of cannabis. If there is no legal justification then all of the countries that are signatories to the 1961 convention and proactively still criminalise consumers are in fact breaking many laws.


During the research phase the team sent out FOI’s (freedom of Information requests) to all of the 41 British Police Crime Commissioners (PCC), the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD), and the Home office to ask for the foundational evidence for the scheduling of cannabis in the UK. Their responses ranged from “We do not have access to these files” to “We do not hold the documents you’re seeking” making it quite clear that there is no foundational evidence for the scheduling of Cannabis in the UK. This opens the door to challenging the charges because as we know if there is no evidence, no crime.


This report compiles a wealth of evidence and knowledge which contradicts the cliched copy and paste response that Seed Our Future recently received from the British Home Office:


Cannabis is controlled as a Class B drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 as there is clear scientific and medical evidence that cannabis is a harmful drug which can damage people’s mental and physical health, and harms individuals and communities.”


What exactly is this clear scientific evidence? Well, the one bit of “evidence” that was discovered during the team's extensive research was that the foundational evidence for the above claims seems to stem from a 1955 World Health Organisation report that was sent to the UN titled “The physical and mental effects of Cannabis” It was this document that played a large part in the formation of the 1961 UN single convention on narcotic drugs – the basis for the international prohibition of cannabis.


In this rather antiquated and frankly racist document, the body speaks of “Marihuana” consumption as “evil” and “that its use eventually leads the smoker to turn to intravenous heroin injections” a long-since debunked myth.


The report goes on to state “’Experts’ on the Cannabis problem agree that, despite all the efforts made, the present geographical extension of cannabism constitutes a medical and social danger of no small importance” By ‘experts’ we are talking about people like the father of twentieth century prohibition Harry J Anslinger and Mohamed El Guindy.


Anslinger as you maybe aware 1937 once testified in a US court room that “just one marihuana would make white women want to sleep with black and Latino jazz musicians” and El Guindy, the man who provided zero evidence and some rather racist and questionable testimony to the league of nations that resulted in cannabis being included in the international opium conventions. These men hardly constitute impartial, unbiased, and well-informed individuals on the subject.


The ‘science’ presented in this document is now contextually laughable and obsolete. If this is indeed the evidence that the British Home Office continues to use to justify the continued criminalisation of cannabis consumers then they themselves are actively choosing to ignore half a century of research, cultural and social evolution, and scientific discoveries such as the endocannabinoid system and cannabinoids in favor of 1950s bigoted, racist, and classist ideology.


It is becoming ever more apparent that the ‘clear scientific evidence’ referenced in the Home Office statement simply does not exist and that the inclusion of cannabis within the 1971 MoDA is entirely unfounded, unevidenced, and driven by political ideology. This proves that the response by the law is disproportionate to the drug's potential harms and brings the law itself into disrepute.


So, if the law is wrong how do we make it right? Well, it all starts with the police. The enforcement of cannabis prohibition in the UK is anathema to the core Peelian principles that the police were founded on. When an officer makes a cannabis arrest it violates their attestation, a kind of oath the Police in the UK have to take when taking up a public role. This oath would be comical if the consequences weren’t so extremely dire for so many people.


Each officer declares that “I do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence, and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people”

Cannabis Prohibition

There is nothing integral or fair about cannabis prohibition, nor is there any impartiality or equal respect shown to cannabis consumers individual basic human rights. Enforcing cannabis prohibition is a direct violation of the UN Human rights act 1948 articles; 1, 3, 5, 9, 12, 17a, 18, 23a, and 25a.


Since 1995 the police in the UK must also adhere to the “Nolan principles” or the seven pillars of public life which are the basis of the ethical standards expected of public officeholders.

1, selfishness- They are acting in the interest of corporate interest and not the public.

2, Integrity – As all fines go towards paying for police pensions how can they be said to act with integrity.

3, Objectivity – By acting without evidence, they are not acting impartially or fairly as they have no justification for action when acting in a biased and prejudicial manner.

4, Accountability – Have any police officer been held to account over these fraudulent criminal charges?

5, Openness – By enforcing prohibition they’re complicit in a criminal conspirac

6, Honesty – Can any police officer be thought of as honest when they're engaging in industrial-scale fraud and terrorism?

7, Leadership – With no descent from within the ranks for this conspiracy against the public can any officer be considered to showing leadership?


Clearly the continuation of cannabis prohibition violates all of these principles. A rather important word that you might have missed in the attestation is diligence. Police officers have to do their individual due diligence as is outlined in the Police and crime evidence 1988 (PACE) These are the codes of practice that regulate police powers and protect public rights. This means that they must when gathering evidence ensure that it is all relevant, correctly identified, and cataloged. This has never been the case with cannabis convictions as there is no foundational evidence for the UK’s adoption of America’s flawed and fraudulent drug scheduling system.


British police are in breach of PACE Code G 1.3 as they have no justification for arresting someone for cannabis offenses. This means that evidence procedures have not been followed correctly calling in to question any arrest under section 1.4, therefore making any arrest unlawful as per section 2.1 of the PACE Act.


This makes the continued enforcement of cannabis prohibition entirely political and ideological which constitutes a criminal conspiracy under the Criminal Act 1977, It also violates the Fraud Act 2006 for providing evidence that is false by representation, and the Terrorism Act 2000 for “intimidating the public with the use or threat of force made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause”


This leaves the police in a rather difficult situation because they are acting negligently, breaching their contractual terms and conditions of employment, their attestation, and public duties. Such violations under current legislation is considered misconduct in public office. A common law offense that carries a maximum life sentence.


Ultimately, this report proves that the 1961 UN single convention on narcotic drugs and the subsequent conventions and acts of legislation that appeared in its wake are fraudulent in nature. They are ideologically driven, completely unfounded, entirely unevidenced, and a direct violation of our fundamental basic human rights.


It is now become clear that the continuation of the criminalisation of cannabis consumers is in and of itself a criminal act. No longer is this a conspiracy theory, it is evidently conspiracy fact. So let Truth be your sword and unity your shield for it is now the police who are the low hanging fruit ready to be picked from the field.

You can learn more and download the full document now at

Written and Published By Simpa in Weed World Magazine issue 150